The USR International Seminar on Food Security (UISFS)


The USR International Seminar on Food Security (UISFS)

“23-25 AUGUST 2016”

“Improving Food Security : The Challenges for Enhancing Resilience to Climate Change”

Food security is a complex issue of sustainable development, related to food availability, distribution, health, economy, environment, and trades, which are interconnected. There are many discussions about food security, among others, food is probably enough in the world to feed everyone adequately but the problem is on its distribution. Are the food needs in the future met by the current production levels? In addition, the future production faces climate change that affects all four food security dimensions: food availability, food accessibility, food utilization and food systems stability. Improving food security, therefore whilst at the same time reconciling demands on the environment conditions is the greatest challenges.

The University of Lampung collaborated with SEAMEO-SEARCA and RSFA (Regional Searca Fellow Association) conduct an International Seminar on Food Security. This Seminar is to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, policy makers, academics as well as industrial professionals to present their researches and development activities in this International Seminar. The ultimate aim of this Seminar is to deliver state-of-the-art analysis, inspiring visions and innovative methods arising from research in a wide range of disciplines. Through this activity, the expected results of research in all aspects related to food security can be documented, spread rapidly, communicated and discussed.

This Seminar, The UISFS 2016 will be held in Bandar Lampung, Indonesia on August 23-25, 2016

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